Fisheries research, Tập 152, Số s, 2014
Mục lục:
DòngNội dung
1Abundance, distribution and population dynamics of the short fin squid Illex argentinus in Southeastern and Southern Brazil / Manuel Haimovici and others
2Spatial distribution of cephalopod paralarvae in San José Gulf (Northern Patagonia, Argentina): The role of tidal circulation in larval dispersal / A.C. Crespi-Abril and others
3Trophic habits of the Ommastrephid squid Illex coindetii and Todarodes sagittatus in the northwestern Mediterranean Sea / Rigoberto Rosas-Luis, Roger Villanueva, Pilar Sánchez
4Feeding habits of juvenile Japanese common squid Todarodes pacificus: Relationship between dietary shift and allometric growth / Kazuhisa Uchikawa, Hideaki Kidokoro
5Feeding habits and trophic interactions of Doryteuthis gahi, Illex argentinus and Onykia ingens in the marine ecosystem off the Patagonian Shelf / Rigoberto Rosas-Luis and others
6Reproductive activity of the tropical arrow squid Doryteuthis plei around São Sebastião Island (SE Brazil) based on a 10-year fisheries monitoring / F.A. Postuma, M.A. Gasalla
7Quantitative analysis of the behavior of longfin inshore squid (Doryteuthis pealeii) in reaction to a species separation grid of an trawl otter / Shannon M. Bayse and others
8Characterization of deformed hatchlings of Octopus vulgaris obtained under captivity from a small female / Pablo Jiménez-Prada and others
9Habitat selection and population spreading of the horned octopus Eledone cirrhosa (Lamarck, 1798) in Galician waters (NW Atlantic) / M. Regueira, A.F.González, A. Guerra
10Essential habitats for pre-recruit Octopus vulgaris along the Portuguese coast / A. Moreno and others
11Population structure and reproductive dynamics of Octopus insularis (Cephalopoda: Octopodidae) in a coastal reef environment environment along northeastern Brazil / Francoise D. Lima and others
12Age validation in Octopus maya (Voss and Solís, 1966) by counting increments in the beak rostrum sagittal sections of know age individuals / Guadalupe Villegas Bárcenas and others
13Deep-sea incirrate octopus Velodona togata (Chun, 1915) in waters off Mozambique (SW Indian Ocean): Reproductive biology, distribution, and abundance / Luis Silva, Ignacio Sobrino, Eva Hernández
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