Food science & nutrition., Tập 03, Số 04, 2015
Mục lục:
DòngNội dung
1In vitro evaluation of digestive and endolysosomal enzymes to cleave CML-modified Ara h 1 peptides / Christopher P. Mattison and others
2Effect of packaging materials on the chemical composition and microbiological quality of edible mushroom ( Pleurotus ostreatus) grown on cassava peels / Oluwakemi Ajayi and others
3Nutrients and bioactive compounds content of Baillonella toxisperma, Trichoscypha abut and Pentaclethra macrophylla from Cameroon / Robert Fungo and others
4Study on the extraction and purifi cation of glycoprotein from the yellow seahorse, Hippocampus kuda Bleeker / Yuting Su & Yongjian Xu
5Physico- chemical properties of instant ogbono ( Irvingia gabonensis ) mix powder / Oluwaseun P. Bamidele, Omotayo S. Ojedokun & Beatrice M. Fasogbon
6Protecting soymilk fl avor and nutrients from photodegradation / Laurie M. Bianchi and others
7Optimization of intermittent microwave–convective drying using response surface methodology / Nahid Aghilinategh and others
8Daily consumption of a mangosteen- based drink improves in vivo antioxidant and anti-infl ammatory biomarkers in healthy adults: a randomized, double- blind, placebo- controlled clinical trial / Zhuohong Xie and others
9Effect of nano- composite and Thyme oil (Tymus Vulgaris L ) coating on fruit quality of sweet cherry (Takdaneh Cv) during storage period / Naser Nabifarkhani and others
10Effect of methyl cellulose coating on hysicochemical properties, porosity, and surface diameter of pistachio hull / Zainab Moslehi and others
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