Genes & nutrition., Tập 9, Số 4, 2014
Mục lục:
DòngNội dung
1Heritability and genetic etiology of habitual physical activity: a twin study with objective measures / M. Gielen and others
2The zinc matrix metalloproteinase ZMP-2 increases survival of Caenorhabditis elegans through interference with lipoprotein absorption / Malaika Fischer and others
3Real-life use of vitamin D3-fortified bread and milk during a winter season: the effects of CYP2R1 and GC genes on 25-hydroxyvitamin D concentrations in Danish families, the VitmaD study / Janna Nissen and others
4Genetic predisposition scores for dyslipidaemia influence plasma lipid concentrations at baseline, but not the changes after controlled intake of n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids / Aseel AlSaleh and others
5Fatty acid synthase methylation levels in adipose tissue: effects of an obesogenic diet and phenol compounds / Ana Gracia and others
6Multivitamin restriction increases adiposity and disrupts glucose homeostasis in mice / Nisserine Ben Amara and others
7Dietary fat modifies lipid metabolism in the adipose tissue of metabolic syndrome patients / Antonio Camargo and others
8Genetic associations with micronutrient levels identified in immune and gastrointestinal networks / Melissa J. Morine and others
9Nutrition and ageing: from phenomenological observations to molecular mechanisms / Joao Laranjinha
10High-fat and obesogenic diets: current and future strategies to fight obesity and diabetes / Joao S. Teodoro and others
11Linoleic and alpha -linolenic fatty acid consumption over three generations exert cumulative regulation of hepatic expression of genes related to lipid metabolism / Carolina B. Jacometo and others
12Bioavailability and molecular activities of anthocyanins as modulators of endothelial function / Antonio Speciale and others
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