Soft Computing, Tập 17, Số 10, 2013
Mục lục:
DòngNội dung
1Related Fritz Carlson type inequalities for Sugeno integrals / Bayaz Daraby and Leila Arabi
2Lattice-valued soft algebras / Sergey A. Solovyov
3Universal algorithms for solving the matrix Bellman equations over semirings / G. L. Litvinov and others
4A hybrid genetic algorithm--fuzzy c-means approach for incomplete data clustering based on nearest-neighbor intervals / Dan Li, Hong Gu and Liyong Zhang
5Performance comparisons of intelligent load forecasting structures and its application to energy-saving load regulation / Rong-Jong Wai and others
6A multiclassifier approach for topology-based WiFi indoor localization / Krzysztof Trawin´ski, Jose M. Alonso and Noelia Herna´ndez
7Extension of the gap statistics index to fuzzy clustering / Shihong Yue and others
8Robust adaptive fuzzy control of twin rotor MIMO system / Maryam Jahed and Mohammad Farrokhi
9Self-adaptive, multipopulation differential evolution in dynamic environments / Pavel Novoa-Herna´ndez, Carlos Cruz Corona and David A. Pelta
10A study of phase transitions for convergence analysis of spin glasses: application to portfolio selection problems / Majid Vafaei Jahan, Mohammad-R. Akbarzadeh-T and Nasser Shahtahamassbi
11A novel memetic algorithm based on invasive weed optimization and differential evolution for constrained optimization / Xinye Cai, Zhenzhou Hu and Zhun Fan
12Memetic search in artificial bee colony algorithm / Jagdish Chand Bansal and others
13Classification of signals by means of Genetic Programming / Enrique Ferna´ndez-Blanco and others
14Enhancing the food locations in an artificial bee colony algorithm / Tarun Kumar Sharma and Millie Pant
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