Molecular nutrition & food research, Tập 57, Số 8, 2013
Mục lục:
DòngNội dung
1Lipidomics in nutrition and food research / Tuulia Hy otylainen, Isabel Bondia-Pons, Matej Oresi
2Nutritional lipidomics: Molecular metabolism, analytics, and diagnostics / Jennifer T. Smilowitz and others
3Lipidomics applications in health, disease and nutrition research / Sharon A. Murphy, Anna Nicolaou
4Lipidomics of essential fatty acids and oxygenated metabolites / Michel Lagarde and others
5Quantitative metabolic profiling of lipid mediators / David Balgoma and others
6Lipid mediator serum profiles in asthmatics significantly shift following dietary supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids / Susanna L. Lundstrom and others
7Emerging importance of omega-3 fatty acids in the innate immune response: Molecular mechanisms and lipidomic strategies for their analysis / Benjamin H. Maskrey and others
8The deficit of lipid in cultured cells contrasted with clinical lipidomics / Antonin Lamaziere and others
9LC/MS characterization of rotenone induced cardiolipin oxidation in human lymphocytes: Implications for mitochondrial dysfunction associated with Parkinson’s disease / Yulia Y. Tyurina and others
10Short-term, high fat feeding-induced changes in white adipose tissue gene expression are highly predictive for long-term changes / Anja Voigt and others
11Soluble soy protein peptic hydrolysate stimulates adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells / Tsuyoshi Goto, Ayaka Mori, Satoshi Nagaoka
12A metabolite of daidzein, 6,7,4 -trihydroxyisoflavone, suppresses adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes via ATP-competitive inhibition of PI3K / Sang Gwon Seo and others
13Free fatty acid effects on myokine production in combination with exercise mimetics / Juana Sanchez and others
14Effects of raftilose on serum biochemistry and liver morphology in rats fed with normal or high-fat diet / Ines Correia-Sa and others
15Prevention of diet-induced obesity by apple polyphenols in Wistar rats through regulation of adipocyte gene expression and DNA methylation patterns / Noemi Boque and others
16Microbial characterization of probiotics–Advisory report of the Working Group “8651 Probiotics” of the Belgian Superior Health Council (SHC) / Geert Huys and others
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